Carbon Reduction Plan

Committed to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2040 or earlier

Our Carbon Reduction Plan (CRP) has quantifiable milestones that validate the progress made to reduce our carbon footprint

In developing the CRP, we have thoroughly reviewed all aspects of our operational activities that have the greatest impact on the environment. These activities include fleet fuel usage, energy usage, waste management and business travel. With dedicated initiatives in these areas already underway, we have total confidence we will achieve our ambitious goals for the coming year and beyond. 

View our Carbon Reduction Plan.

Committed to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2040

City is a member of the Business Ambition for 1.5°C campaign,  and we have committed to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2040 for emissions scopes 1, 2 and 3. The commitment was formally agreed by City’s Senior Leadership Team on 16/12/21.  

In order to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions across our value chain by 2040, we have committed to reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 49.7% by 2030 from a 2019 base year, and to reduce absolute scope 3 GHG emissions 46.2% within the same timeframe. Both our Near-Term and Net Zero targets have been independently validated by the SBTi.

SBTi Near-Term Science Based Targets 

SBTi Net-Zero Science Based Targets 

Our Carbon Reduction Plan provides details on how we are working towards our Net Zero goals, which includes implementing our City Green Fleet Strategy to transition our fleet to electric vehicles, and working closely with our supply chain to ensure that we reduce our Scope 3 emissions in line with our plans. And as active, engaged members of the Supply Chain Sustainability Council, the work has already begun.